The Baan Hom Samunphrai School Chiangmai, Thailand |
Address: Baan Hom Samunphrai 93/2a Moo 12 Tawangtan, Saraphi, Chiang Mai 50140, THAILAND
tel. 053-817-362 (English & Thai) tel. 081.885.1429 (Homprang direct) e-mail:
Address: Baan Hom Samunphrai 93/2a Moo 12 Tawangtan, Saraphi, Chiang Mai 50140, THAILAND
tel. 053-817-362 (English & Thai) tel. 081.885.1429 (Homprang direct) e-mail:
Address: Baan Hom Samunphrai 93/2a Moo 12 Tawangtan, Saraphi, Chiang Mai 50140, THAILAND
tel. 053-817-362 (English & Thai) tel. 081.885.1429 (Homprang direct) e-mail:
Address: Baan Hom Samunphrai tel. 053-817-362 (English & Thai) tel. 081.885.1429 (Homprang direct) )e-mail:
Address: Baan Hom Samunphrai tel. 053-817-362 (English & Thai) tel. 081.885.1429 (Homprang direct) e-mail:
Address: Baan Hom Samunphrai tel. 053-817-362 (English & Thai) tel. 081.885.1429 (Homprang direct) e-mail:
GENERAL INTRODUCTION. February 8th, 2025 A Thai Massage School & Herbal Health Centre. We are a Thai Ministry of Education school offering courses in the following (you can click on what interests you). Womblifting & Post-Partum Care; Traditional Herbal Compresses & Health Care. All our classes are taught by our director, Homprang Chaleekanha. They are in English, last from 10 to 25 days, and have a maximum of 12 students in a class. We are unique in that we are a Live-in School -- almost all our students live here with us. But we also welcome guests and non-studying partners, and a few students even come with children. Everybody enjoys eating together around our big table, and of course sitting in a chair like this on the porch of one of our old wooden farmhouses. We are also well-known for our Massage Treatments and Herbal Steam Baths, but it's essential to phone a few days ahead -- tel. 053.817.362. We have just reopened after being closed for 2 1/2 years and don't yet have our full staff of therapists, so you may have to be patient. But do try -- we're doing our best!. And finally, this is the home of Homprang's family which includes her husband, the poet Christopher Woodman, who has been assisting her for almost 30 years. He is the one who writes all this, and may even answer the phone.
Introducing --'BAAN ROM YEN -- Cool & Purified! Having only just survived the hottest Dry Season on record from March to the end of May, 2023, and realizing this is likely to be the norm for years to come, we have just completed a new Training Sala which can be air-conditioned when it's simply too hot to work in our much loved, beautiful but entirely open Baan Rusi.
As announced, we have raised our Course Fees by 10%. The new Course Fee is now Bt 2,400 per Study Day, and Bt 1,200 for Days-off & Extra Days. The Course Fee covers all of the following: 1.) 1 hour of Rasidaton (Thai Yoga) at 7am; 2.) 6 hrs of Teaching & Supervised Practice -- 9am to 4pm; 3.) A Private Room with 3 meals a day (Full Pension); 4.) Herbal Steam Baths everyday at 5.30pm. 5.) The use of all our Facilities including our Pool, Bicycles and Wifi. To reserve a place in a class there is a 25% Deposit -- the PayPal Buttons are to the right of each course on our Calendar Page: We now charge Bt 1,200 per day for Partners and Guests for Full Room & Board. There is also a 10% increase in our charges for Treatments & Steam Baths. [Today's Exchange Rate (Feb 8, 2025): $1.00 = Bt 33.89; €1.00 = Bt35.00]
2025 CALENDAR Click on Titles for More Information on Homprang's Courses.
Feb 19th to March 15th, 2025
March 19th to 28th, 2025
April 23rd to May 2nd, 2025
May 7th to
the 19th, 2025
May 23rd to 31st, 2025 2025 SUMMER BREAK
September 19th to
the 30th, 2025
October 4th to 15th, 2025
October 17th to 26th, 2025
November 12th
to December 6th, 2025
December 10th to 19th, 2025 You can visit our CALENDAR and/or TRAINING PAGES for more information.
You can go to our Where We Are page for maps and instructions. It takes 15-20 minutes from the Chiang Mai city centre in a tuk tuk, song taew or blue & yellow taxi -- they all cost about 200 baht. Our phone number is there too so when the driver gets lost he can phone us.
(Click on the Photo to see other things she does!) Baan Hom Samunphrai is the home of Maw Samunphrai ("Herbal Medicine Doctor") Homprang Chaleekanha, 64, a specialist in Traditional Thai Massage (Nuad Boran) and Thai Yoga (Rasidaton) who also practices Thai Therapeutic Massage, Midwifery and Herbal Medicine. In the photo above she is making a compress with fresh herbs, one of the favourite activities of her students from all over the world. (If you click on the Photo you can see some of the other beautiful and mysterious things she does with her students.) 'Maw Hom' grew up in a small village on the Burmese border with no road or electricity, the only 'doctor' being her rice-farming grandmother who doubled as the local midwife and herbalist -- there's more about her grandmother here. Homprang is now not only licensed by the Thai Ministry of Public Health as a Traditional Doctor but as a Herbal Pharmacologist, a Traditional Midwife, and a Massage Teacher, and her school is approved by the Thai Ministry of Education. She has also travelled widely in Europe and North America, and is fluent in English as well as Thai, a very rare facility among genuine traditional healers. And finally, Homprang has for years been very active in the local Thai community, and has volunteered her time and expertise to Thai patients as well as to the growing number of Thai students who are rediscovering their roots.
Maw Hom comparing notes with a Canadian Botanist; enjoying her friends by the pool; working with two professional colleagues, one Thai, one English; leading the Rasidaton (Thai Yoga) at 7am.
Introducing her western students to Acharn Suwan, a Buddhist philosopher & herbalist, at his simple garden retreat in Chiang Dao; demonstrating 'Womb-lifting' at an International Health Exhibition; with her colleagues at The Association of Thai Traditional Healers -- as a group they are heavily involved with teaching young Thai students old medicine!
All the above roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit have medicinal value, and Maw Hom will show you them if not in her own herb garden then in her community or earth market. In the final photo, Maw Hom is showing Thai children from an International School how medicines were made when she was a child. The students all left with a little bottle of Tiger Balm made by themselves. This, she feels, is some of her most influential work. .
"Thailand for me was such a beautiful, eye opening, majestic experience. I took over 4,000 photos in an effort to preserve the impressions as much as possible for when I got back home. Its something I want to relive over and over ." Click on Brie's Porch for an inspired PHOTO ALBUM. . For FLIGHT & VISA INFORMATION please visit our 'WHERE WE ARE' page. |